Originally from the coast of England, and now living in Sydney, Joanna is a fashion lover, self-proclaimed bookworm and our Senior Planner.
“I love that in this role I get to work with so many different teams across the business, including our wonderful store teams.”
“I am so lucky that I am given the autonomy to make decisions on so many facets of the business at SHEIKE. I am given the space and trusted to try new things to improve the brand.”
What’s one piece of advice you would give your younger self?
To have a vision of where you want to be, what you want to achieve or work towards. But to also remember to be brave enough to give yourself the freedom to change your path as you learn and grow.
Tell us about one of your proudest moments.
Other than being featured in this campaign, it would have to be making the decision to leave London and move to Sydney. Having grown up dreaming of a life in London, realising it wasn’t the right place for me and making the decision to move literally thousands of miles away from my beautiful family and friends was incredibly tough. Starting from scratch, beginning to build a life out here and knowing how much happier it’s made me is my proudest achievement.
What does Inspiring Inclusion mean to you?
To me, inclusion and representation go hand in hand. I feel that inspiring inclusion comes through representation, empowerment and active listening. Representation creates role models to inspire inclusivity to grow across generations which is so important. But also, in the here and now, we need representation of different lived experiences to truly understand how to create an inclusive environment, product or service.